
These fruits will make you remember Nigeria

Nigeria is a tropical country located in West Africa with very wonderful climatic condition, dryand hot to the North and humid around the South were it borders the Atlantic ocean, In Nigeria there are several seasonal fruits and for very poor methods of preservation, we cannot enjoy most of these fruits all yyear round, these are not your popular fruits like Apples, guava, bananas etc although Nigeria has them abundantly these fruits reek of "naija" and a true Nigerian must have tasted most if not all of these, pardon me for the spelling and if you know these fruits by other names I have not mentioned please write them in the comment box below and they'll be updated accordingly.

1. Udara (Agbalumo)  "Chrysophyllum albidum" - This fruit is very juicy with somewhat sour juice, the none sweet once cannot be eaten with your eyes open because (it slaps)when you do. I can imagine my facial expression when eating these, not just good for fruits, the skin sometimes is chewed like chewing gum and kids use part of the seed to make ear rings, temporary ones though.

2. Icheku "velvet tamarind " - This fruit is dry but very nice, mixes well with saliva and has little seed in them some people call it "lick lick', the hard back is broken to enjoy whats underneath yellowish or orange in colour, when it is bad it goes green or black...

3. Native pear - Ube or whatever you call it. 

They go hand in hand with roasted or boiled corn they are seasonal fruits though and tastes like butterwhen boiled, the seed isn't  edible just the soft part after it is boiled or roasted although it can also be eaten raw.

4. Hausa groundnut - "Tiger nuts" -  When fresh they are Yellow in colour and can be dried the juice is them is like milk or milky, the good thing about these fruits is that every part of it can be consumed, once it is properly washed.

image credit: dobbysignature

5. Mmimi or Ako or Pepper fruit - This fruit is "pepperish" and minty, the more ripe they are the less pepper taste they'll give they are very colourful and lovely to chew.

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