


The Idea
I manufacture risk free menstrual pads for women – Nkem Obianwu

Risk? From Sanitary pads? Yeah, women are at risk of contracting genital diseases resulting from the use of some chemicals and toxins in the production of women’s sanitary pads. The pads are not to be used for more than plus or minus 8 hours and should be changed. Failure to do this heightens the risk as the blood and the chemicals used in the production can mix and give off something probably unsafe.

Currently in Nigeria, the price of Sanitary pads have more than double in the past two years making it more unaffordable for lower income girls. This could be traced to the difficulty the manufacturers encountered in accessing dollars for the importation of essential materials, which resulted in the increase in operational cost and consequently the rise in price.

Where the demand remains constant and even increases and the supply is not steadily available or even declining, the price is bound to stay high. This leads to the 14th Idea in our Series of 52 startup Ideas for Nigeria being Home made Sanitary Pads. If one is able to produce Sanitary pads at home using everyday materials, and package it accordingly, this would create employment and generate revenue.

Before the 20th Century, most women used cloth pads or “rags” during their menstruation. Disposable pads didn’t become common in America until after WW II. Among rural and low-income women they didn’t catch on until the 1960’s. As with diapers, there have always been people who prefer cloth to disposable.

Idea Summary

Get your materials (cloth materials, sewing machine etc.)
Follow the steps in these articles


Package your product
Sell to ready market

This is very doable. If you successfully make yours, try it, and get the experience of how well it works first hand, then work on persuading or convincing others to give your product a trial. It would not be so hard to sell if yours is cheaper and less risky. No chemicals during production and also the reuse ability after a very good wash would make for good selling points.

The Business

Value Proposition: Provide quality, hygienic Sanitary pads which are Pocket-friendly.

Customer Segment: Girls, ladies, orphanages and schools that take care of girls, Government agencies, etc.

Distribution Channels: Schools, churches and mosques, wherever ladies frequent, dedicated phone lines, sales force, customer care locations.

Customer Relationship: Direct and Mass

Key Activities: Selling (Sales and Marketing), production and Manufacturing, Logistics and distribution,etc.

Key Resources: Sales team, Production/manufacturing facilities, management team, supply chain manager, quality control officer, Financial accountant, etc.

Key Partners: Charity organizations and other NGOs, Government and related government agencies, Schools, Religious centers, etc.

Cost Structure: Production facility and equipment (materials), Maintenance and other utility bills, Staff wages and Salary Bill, Food, registration and licensing (necessary documentation).

Revenue Stream: Sales of Produced Sanitary Pads.


There do exist sanitary pad brands out there in the Nigerian market, which have a strong brand name and a grown reputation. One would need to major on the competitive advantage and sell such effectively to prospective new customers. One could have promotions and give new users trials, so they can be convinced of the quality and suitability of the product before they become loyal users.

Competing with big brands can be very daunting and would need good quality product and committed resolve to remain competitive as any failures or perceived failures can spell doom for the new brand.


Making an alternative cloth based sanitary pad devoid of chemicals as used in manufacturing the existing ones would create more employment opportunities for many and generate revenue.

If there is any thing I missed out feel free to comment, share your information or contact me, so we all can learn solve our problems together.

Thanks for following this series.

If you are just joining, you can catch-up on the previous articles following this link. http://agapedev.com.ng/category/resources/startup-series-for-nigeria/

Till next week, stay inspired.

For more information, comments questions or feedbacks, get in touch.

Twitter: @Mrebis

Email: mrebis1@gmail.com

Links: https://www.google.com.ng/amp/www.vanguardngr.com/2015/07/i-manufacture-risk-free-menstrual-pads-for-women-obianwu/amp/

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